Liberal and Alternative Education

Liberal and Alternative Education Schools over a period of time have turned into only one rigid teaching method in classrooms. The curriculum too had acquired a set pattern with very little flexibility to explore other educational interests. In an effort to liberate the school children from a restrictive learning environment LokPanchayat initiated a process of additional learning in an open environment that allowed the child to explore dormant skills, unleash natural curiosity by partnering with schools and teachers.

Activities are centered around a childs right to education, survival, expression and participation. Establishing children’s libraries, village level children committee to discuss and plan village development activities, children’s gatherings are some ways of opening up new forums for expression and participation. A wall paper is developed by children which is published and distributed among schools. Children’s ecological rights are introduced and propagated by making the children undertake small projects on developing bio-diversity register in their villages, study tours to sensitize them on ecology and its conservation.

Aid et Action has provided support in starting the project and giving it momentum.

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